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Use of Unstructured Grids for Flood Modeling of the Yellow River Downstream River Reach

Author(s): Mario Castro Gama; Ioana Popescu; Arthur Mynett

Linked Author(s): Ioana Popescu, Arthur Mynett

Keywords: Flood mapping; Unstructured grids; Reservoir operation; Yellow River

Abstract: The present article presents the development of an inference model between the Yellow River reservoirs and the possible flooding downstream, given a set of hydrographs generated through the Monte Carlo method. Generation of hydrographs is done in two main locations on the river. Firstly a hydrograph is generated at Huayankou, where a hydrological station of great importance for the Yellow River is located. The station is upstream of the area prone to flooding. Secondly a hydrograph is generated at Gaocun station, which is located at the most downstream end of the river, just after the flooded area. A 2D model was used to simulate the process of flooding (using unstructured grids) and as a result a set of global variables of flooding were used in the analysis (e. g: maximum flooded area, time to maximum flooded area, maximum flooded volume and time to maximum flooded volume).


Year: 2013

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