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Uncertainty Analysis in the Water Networks Optimization with Ga. Influence of Population’s Siz E

Author(s): Daniel Mora; Pedro L. Iglesias; F. Javier Martinez; Vicente S. Fuertes

Linked Author(s): Daniel Mora Melia, Vicente S. Fuertes-Miquel, Francisco Javier Sánchez Martínez

Keywords: Genetic algorithms; Design; Water networks; Reliability

Abstract: The genetic algorithms (GA) are a technique of optimization used for the design of water distribution networks. This work has been made with a modified pseudo genetic algorithm (PGA), whose main variation with respect to a PGA is a change in the codification of the chromosomes, which is made of numerical form instead of the classic binary codification. This variation entails a series of special characteristics in the codification and in the definition of the operations of mutation and crossover. The work demonstrates the kindness of the method on the Hanoi Towers network, widely studied in the bibliography. Moreover, starting with values optimized for the probability of crossing and mutation, the influence of the population ’s size is analyzed in the final solutions. The aim is to find the most suitable configuration of the problem, so that good solutions are obtained in the less time.


Year: 2007

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