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Prediction of T-N Runoff Loads from Diffuse Pollution Utilizing Pollutants Rating Curve

Author(s): Masato Noguchi; Wataru Nishida; Seiji Suzuki; Yuichi Suemitsu; Takafumi Ohta; Yosuke Itoh; Makoto Nishikawa

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Keywords: Closed water body; Diffuse pollution; Field observation; L-Q curve; Total nitrogen; Wet weather condition. (cid: 231)

Abstract: Inner part of Isahaya Bay at Nagasaki, Japan, has been enclosed by the construction of sea-dyke and reclamation project, so integrated management of nutrients becomes necessary for attaining the sound and sustainable water environment. Then, based detailed discussion of T-N loads rating curve, i. e. L-Q curve, it has been proven that runoff rate of the T-N loads can be estimated, appropriately. It has been recommended that Best Management Practices (BMPs) would effectively be operated to reasonably manage the runoff rate of T-N loads into the enclosed water body, i. e. the regulation pond.


Year: 2007

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