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Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Generated Waves

Author(s): Chiang-An Hsu

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Keywords: Two-dimensional model; Landslide-generated waves; Runup; SEC-HY21

Abstract: An existing method for taking into account of landslide-generated waves has been implemented in the hydrodynamic model of SEC-HY21, a computer package developed by Hsu (2002), which integrates the two-dimensional depth-averaged flow, pollutant and sediment transport models with associated graphical user interfaces for mesh and bathymetry generation, model data preparation, 2D/3D graphics and flow visualization. The landslide is represented by a time-dependent vertical deformation of the bathymetry plus additional terms representing the effect of the landslide due to viscous and inertia forces. We present numerical results of 2D and 3D landslide benchmark problems addressed in the Third International Workshop on Long-Wave Runup Models held in 2004 (http: //www. cee. cornell. edu/longwave) and compare with analytical solutions and experimental data available at the website.


Year: 2007

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