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Application of Chiu’s Velocity Distribution Function to Natural Rivers in Korea

Author(s): Chanjoo Lee; Changwan Kim; Won Kim

Linked Author(s): Won Kim

Keywords: Entropy; 2D velocity distribution; ADCP; Parameters

Abstract: The purpose of the present study is to apply Chiu’s entropy velocity distribution function to natural river sections and to compare it with observed data obtained with ADCP. Maximum and mean velocities are calculated from observed data to estimate entropy parameter M. Such isovel shape parameters as h and βi are estimated by optimization using least squares object function. Optimized parameters being applied, entropy-based simulated velocity distributions show fairly good agreement with observed data. By using 14 simulated data sets which have relatively high correlation coefficients, properties of parameters are analyzed. For prediction of velocity-unknown river sections, parameters h and βi are estimated. When estimated parameters are adopted, simulated velocity distributions well reproduce real ones. Finally, calculated discharges display fairly good agreement with measured data. The result of the present study means that if parameters related are properly estimated, velocity distribution using entropy function is well likely to simulate the real one of natural rivers.


Year: 2007

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