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Hydraulic Research and Port Innovation. a Spanish Perspective

Author(s): Gutierrez; R.; Grassa; J. M.; Grau; J. I.; Poncela; J.; Y. Rodriguez; I.

Linked Author(s): José María Grassa Garrido, Channel Yurico Rodriguez Torres, S.J.(Sonja) Ouwerkerk, I Gede Tunas, Leonardo Flavio Gutierrez Lope, NR Josiah, Ramón Gutiérrez Serret

Keywords: Hydraulic Research; Port Research; Development and Innovation (R&D&I)


The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the contributions that maritime hydraulic research can make to port innovation and development and to the associated environment, with special reference to the Spanish Port System. For this purpose, first it deals with the causes for port innovation and development and it show the tendencies and the consequences of these matters in the evolution of ports. The paper then goes on to analyse the role of hydraulic research in the process of planning, designing, constructing and operating these port innovations and developments, pointing up its main study fields: waves, mooring systems, local wind effect, new structural typologies, etc. After that, the facilities currently available are presented, together with the latest trends in hydraulic research –laboratory and field studies– in response to the challenges outlined in port innovation. Finally, two hydraulic research examples are presented from the Spanish Port System, in which the Centre of Studies and Experimentation of Public Works (CEDEX) has participated in collaboration with the Public Body Puertos del Estado (PE).


Year: 2007

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