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Hydrodynamic Simulation of Flow over Spillway Using Weakly Compressible Flow Formulation

Author(s): M. R. Bhajantri; T. I. Eldho; P. B. Deolalikar

Linked Author(s): Eldho T.I.

Keywords: Spillway; Hydrodynamic simulation; Weakly compressible flow formulation; Finite volume method

Abstract: Acquiring necessary insight and understanding the complete hydrodynamics of flow features over spillway is very essential in the spillway design. Spillway hydrodynamics can be obtained through physical modelling or computer modelling. Physical modelling of spillway is expensive, cumbersome and time consuming. Numerical simulation of rapidly varied, supercritical, free surface turbulent flow over spillway with all flow regimes is a challenging task. This paper explains the formulation of numerical model based on weakly compressible flow formulation for flow over a spillway. The developed model is used to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of flow over spillway crest profile by simulating the velocity distribution, pressure distribution and discharge characteristics. The numerical model was further applied to a case study of the spillway with elliptic upstream profile and broad crested parabolic downstream crest profile. The observed values of pressures, water surface profile and discharge characteristics on the physical model have been used to compare with the values calculated from the numerical model.


Year: 2005

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