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Development of the Upwind MC Cormack Scheme

Author(s): Won Kim

Linked Author(s): Won Kim

Keywords: McC ormack scheme; Discontinuous flow; Upwind scheme

Abstract: The two-step predictor-corrector scheme of McCormack is probably the most widely used scheme among the second-order space-centered explicit schemes, due to its second-order accuracy and simplicity. The upwind scheme is based on the relation established between the characteristic propagation properties and the differencing such as to apply directional space discretizations in accordance with the physical behavior of the flows. In this paper, the upwind McCormack scheme is introduced to combine the advantage of McCormack scheme, the second-order accuracy and simplicity, and the advantage of the upwind scheme, to be applied to the discontinuous flows. This scheme also has another advantage of treating the source terms effectively. This model is approved through applying to the dam-break flow, and the discontinuous flow case with the analytical solution.


Year: 2005

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