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Offset height effect on turbulent characteristics of twin surface jets

Author(s): Mark F. Tachie; Mohammad S. Rahman

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Keywords: Particle image velocimetry; Twin surface jet; Two-point correlation; Vorticity thickness; Weighted joint probability density function

Abstract: The characteristics of square twin surface jets at various offset heights from the free surface were studied using a particle image velocimetry technique. The offset heights were varied from 1 to 4 nozzle widths at a fixed Reynolds number of 3890. The entrainment and mixing characteristics were examined using the potential core length, merging point, combined point, maximum velocity decay, half-velocity width and were found be nearly independent of offset height in near field. The jet–surface interaction was examined by surface velocity, vorticity thickness and surface turbulence intensities. The growth rate of the vorticity thickness reduced in the interaction region; and was more severe for shorter offset height. Turbulent structures were examined using weighted joint probability density function and two-point cross-correlations between swirling strength and velocity fluctuations. Weaker turbulent events were observed for deeper jet close to a free surface at the streamwise location beyond the attachment point.


Year: 2020

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