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Aquatic Habitat Simulation Model

Author(s): Yujun Yi; Shanghong Zhang

Linked Author(s): Yujun Yi

Keywords: Quatic species; Habitat simulation model; Suitability evaluation method; Preference curve; Fuzzy logic; GAM

Abstract: Aquatic habitat simulation models have been used to simulate and evaluate the habitat quality of aquatic species for living, growing, and reproduction. Based on field surveys or hydrodynamic models, the state of habitat eco-factors can be obtained. By establishing habitat suitability evaluation criteria, the impact of aquatic habitats on the particular life stage of indicated species can be assessed, and the effect of habitat restoration projections can be predicted. This paper analyzes and compares typical habitat simulation methods at different spatial scales. For micro-habitats, methods such as the preference curves method, fuzzy logic method, generalized linear model (GLM), generalized additive model (GAM) and artificial neural network (ANN) are used to establish habitat suitability evaluation criteria. Some applications are given as examplesfor different methods. The selection of modeling method and scale should be made according to which problem needs to be solved, the complexity of impact factors and available data.


Year: 2018

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