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Sea Ice Mass Balance Measurement in the Central Arctic for 2008-2009

Author(s): Na Li; Jiping Liu

Linked Author(s): Na Li

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: As an effective system to monitor sea ice mass balance, IMB (Ice Mass-balance buoy) could provide important insight into the thermodynamic changes of sea ice and the driving forces behind it. During the 3rd Chinese Arct ic Research Expedit ion (22nd Aug. 2008), we deployed a set of IMB in the central Arct ic Ocean (84°37'24.4"N, 144°18'6.7"W). It drifted eastward along the 86°N lat itude circle into the perennial ice zone and finished north of Greenland on 3rd Oct. 2009. The analys is of one-year- long data shows that the ablat ion at the bottom of the ice contributed a lot to the total ablation in the central Arct ic, which lasted until the early November when the freezing began, with a peak (up to 50cm) at the end of Sep. 2008. In the mean t ime the surface ablat ion was only about 8cm. In addit ion, the temperature difference between the ice surface and the lowest layer of the air is an important parameter in the surface heat budget. The data gives us information of the air temperature variability above the ice surface and est imat ion of ocean heat flux. The temporal variability o f internal ice temperature profile is also d iscussed.


Year: 2010

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