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Factors Influencing the Sediment Delivery Ratio of the Three Gorges Reservoir

Author(s): Dayu Wang; Chunhong Hu; Chunming Fang; Jianzhao Guan; Lei Zhang

Linked Author(s): Chunhong Hu, Lei Zhang

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Abstract. In recent years, the sediment delivery ratio (SDR) of the Three Gorges reservoir (TGR) has noticeably decreased as a result of the increase in water levels at the dam site and the decrease in inflow of fine particles, thereby resulting in increased reservoir siltation. Therefore, it is vital to research the factors that influence the SDR of the TGR. Factors that could have impact on the SDR were studied using TGR monitoring data. The study indicated that the water level at the dam site and inflow and outflow rates could have contributed to the change in the SDR. A sensitivity analysis of the influencing factors was then carried out using a mathematical model to simulate numerous sediment movement scenarios in the TGR. By changing the input conditions of the model, sufficient results were obtained to enable a sensitivity analysis of each factor. The results showed the flood retention time (FRT) -- the ratio of reservoir capacity to average outflow discharge -- was the principal factor influencing the SDR. The other factors (inflow sediment concentration, inflow sediment coefficient, inflow sediment gradations, and the shape coefficient of the inflow flood shape coefficient), also had an influence on the SDR. However, under different levels of FRT, their degrees of influence on the SDR were not the same. .


Year: 2018

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