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Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress

Author(s): Multiple Authors

Linked Author(s): David Ferras Segura, Emanuele Quaranta, Eva Fenrich, Gaetano Crispino, José M. Carrillo, Livia Pitorac, Manish Pandey

Keywords: 2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress


The IAHR Technical Committee on Education and Professional Development has organized the second virtual congress for young professionals from 30 November - 2 December 2021. The aim is to provide the Young Professionals the opportunity to present their work and get feedback from mentors.

The hydro-environment community of researchers and professionals have gathered again during the 2 nd edition of the IAHR Young Professionals online Congress, once more connecting the youth with the not-so-youth. The congress has welcomed 840 participants from 90 different countries. The participants have had access to 100 research contributions offered by young professionals who have been supported by 80 IAHR senior members that composed the International Scientific Committee of the congress. Students, young academics and practitioners have had the chance, therefore, to openly receive advice and mentoring from the top scientists of the IAHR network. The importance of fundamental physics, the relative relevance of artificial intelligence and big data, the scope of physical and numerical data in providing scientific explanations, the need of urgent actions to solve hydro-environmental problems, or the encouragement to the curiosity-driven pioneers. All these issues have been hot topics during the IAHR Young Professionals Congress in which the keynote speakers, session chairs, and young professionals provided their critical standpoints.


Year: 2021

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