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Concurring Indications of HSI and HMID for Assessing the Success of River Restoration Actions

Author(s): Maximilian Kunz; Markus Noack; Sebastian Schwindt; Stefan Haun; Silke Wieprecht

Linked Author(s): Silke Wieprecht, Stefan Haun, Markus Noack

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: The Hydro-Morphological Index of Diversity (HMID) and the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) are two metrics used to assess the ecomorphological state of rivers. Both the HMID and the HSI imply, among others, water depth and flow velocity data. The HSI rates physical habitat suitability based on a comparison between present abiotic data and habitat requirements of target aquatic species. The HMID calculates statistics to provide a measure of morphological diversity. This study compares both metrics based on the results of two-dimensional hydro- and morphodynamic models for a current and future state in the light of multiple restoration actions, such as partial removal of sills. The study reach is located at the Inn River (Germany), which is characterized by residual flows as a consequence of upstream damming and water diversion. The results show that no direct correlation between the HMID and the HSI can be found for specific target species in the considered reach, namely the grayling and the common nase.


Year: 2022

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