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Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR Young Professionals Congress

Author(s): David Ferras; Arianna Varrani; Emanuele Quaranta; Eva Fenrich; Gaetano Crispino; Gonzalo García-Alén Lores; Ingrid Silva; José M. Carrillo; Michael Nones; Qian Yu

Linked Author(s): David Ferras Segura, Arianna Varrani, Emanuele Quaranta, Eva Fenrich, Gaetano Crispino, Gonzalo García-Alén Lores, Ingrid Silva, José M. Carrillo, Michael Nones, Qian Yu

Keywords: Iahr; young professionals; YP Congress; engineering; hydro-environment; water


The IAHR Young Professionals Congress started three years ago at a time of the global pandemic crisis resulting from COVID-19. This situation, which led to the cancellation or delay of all congresses due to lockdowns and mobility restrictions, triggered the motivation to work on a new congress modality. 

One of the main objectives of the IAHR Committee on Education and Professional Development and the IAHR Madrid Secretariat (promoters of the Congress) was to generate a forum for communication, networking and discussion that would allow young professionals to share their work and receive advice and mentoring from international experts regardless of their location, lack of financial resources or difficulties in travelling to another continent


Year: 2022

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