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A Decision Support Tool for Emergency Operations on Drinking Water Supply Systems

Author(s): Alessandro Pagano; Elena Carcano; Raffaele Giordano; Ivan Portoghese; Emanuela Campione; Valeria Palmieri; Andrea Duro

Linked Author(s): Elena Carcano, Ivan Portoghese, Alessandro Pagano

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: There is an increasing concern -worldwide- on the impacts that extreme events may have on Water Supply Systems (WSS). The need to guarantee the safe provisioning of water for basic health and hygiene needs, even during emergency conditions, is a key concern for decision makers and first responders. In this framework, the present work aims to collect and structure information related to real events, along with information derived from both the scientific and the grey literature, to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) for the selection of the most suitable emergency management measures for drinking water supply systems. The DSS, therefore, significantly relies on ‘expert’ knowledge, which is being elicited from several Italian water utilities (WUs) through semi-structured interviews and is based on the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tools. It is meant to be used both by emergency managers for a first screening of potential measures to implement and by the Water Utilities to support the risk-mitigation-planning activities.


Year: 2022

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