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Groundwater Modelling of Managed Aquifer Recharge Facilities for the Optimal Management of Coastal Aquifer Systems

Author(s): Angeliki Vlassopoulou; Martha Perdikaki; Efthymios Chrysanthopoulos; Christoph Schuth; Laura Foglia; Andreas Kallioras

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Optimal management of coastal aquifers usually involves the operation of artificial recharge facilities as a key measure to address some of their most typical problems, such as depletion of groundwater resources and seawater intrusion. At the same time, a sound strategic plan for monitoring and modelling of all relevant hydrological processes is required so that both the effectiveness of these hydraulic works is evaluated as well as a reliable prediction of the future quantitative and qualitative condition of the aquifer is achieved. In particular, with regard to the simulation of the above, one of the important challenges that arise is the different spatial and temporal scales with which the hydrological processes are associated within the model domain. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) facilities are considered boundary conditions that have a point effect on a model domain which usually involves a coarse and widely extended grid. The construction of a different model which will be developed based on the appropriate MAR scale is neither a desirable nor a cost and time effective solution to the above. However, the existence of different codes and/or packages in order to provide sufficient grid refinement option is thought to be an appropriate solution to the above problem. The scope of this ongoing research is to simulate the hydrological processes associated with the injection of recharge-water into an aquifer through a long-term and systematic MAR scheme, using the well-known public domain and open-source USGS MODFLOW-2005 code (finite difference method) and the use grid refinement tools. It is envisaged that the aforementioned modelling approach will enable the more precise and reliable simulation of injection wells, within a larger model domain of a coastal aquifer system.


Year: 2022

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