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Simulation of Combined Sewer Overflows Spreading in a Slowly Flowing Urban River

Author(s): A. Jourieh; M. Heinl; R. Hinkelmann; M. Barjenbruch; Tu-Berlin

Linked Author(s): Reinhard Hinkelmann

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In recent years, combined sewer overflows after heavy rainfalls have become the most important load on the water quality in urban rivers. This circumstance was the main motivation for a joint project. The storage tanks have been built to collect the mixed water. After the storm, the water will be cleaned up and then it can be lead over into the river or back into the sewage system. The tanks are installed in the river and behave like an artificial island. Therefore, the platforms of the tanks are planned to be used for touristic purposes, and the water pollution is reduced. Such impacts into urban rivers have influences on the hydraulics as well as on the water quality. For the numerical simulation of the flow and transport processes mentioned above, the modeling system TELEMAC-2D has been chosen. The results show that the tank has a very small influence on the flow conditions while advection and turbulent diffusion strongly influence the spreading of tracers.


Year: 2009

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