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Determining Resistance Coefficients for Ice-Covered Rivers from Observed Velocity Profiles

Author(s): A. Hoque; S. S. Li

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Keywords: Manning’s n; Ice-covered river; Flow resistance; Ice roughness; Ice-covered flow velocity

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate flow resistance exerted by the ice cover in shallow sub-arctic rivers. From observed velocity profiles, the Manning's roughness coefficients associated with the ice cover are calculated using four different methods. The methods are based on, respectively, observed depth-averaged and maximum flow velocities, logarithmic velocity distributions fitted to the profiles, energy slope in addition to the fitted velocity distributions, and the Manning's flow resistance equation. The applicability of the methods is examined by comparing the calculated roughness coefficients. The roughness coefficients range from 0.01 to 0.02 for the wide, shallow river channels. These values reflect the average resistance condition over the winter. The roughness coefficients can increase month by month up to six-fold. The method using depth-averaged and maximum flow velocities directly does not give satisfactory results for shallow river channels, whereas the method based on fitted logarithmic velocity distributions has shown advantages.


Year: 2011

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