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Simulation on the Water Transporting Process in Zoige Wetland SPAC System and Its Eco-Hydrological Effect

Author(s): Yan Wang; Guodong Liu; Hongliang Hu

Linked Author(s): Yan Wang

Keywords: Oige Wetland; SPAC model; Eco-hydrology; Plant growith

Abstract: As the largest plateau wetland in the world, Zoige Wetland is suffering from multiple deterioration along with the shrinking of marshland and other water bodies and desertification of grassland. Field tests as well as lab experiments with regard to hydrology observation, soil water monitoring and botanic sampling were conducted in the transition zone of wetland. A SPAC (Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum) model, verified by data obtained from field tests and lab experiments, was applied for the first time in Zoige Wetland to study the water flow among SPAC system. Result shows that 1) the Zoige Wetland SPAC model could describe the eco-hydrological process appropriately; 2) the ideal groundwater level for Trollius Paluster which is widely distributed in Zoige Wetland is 60~100cm underground, whereas 0~60cm and 100~250cm are also adaptable for them.


Year: 2011

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