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University Education in Hydraulic Engineering: A View from the Caribbean Islands

Author(s): G. S. Shrivastava

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Keywords: Caribbean; Climate; Coastal; Disasters; Hydraulic Engineering; Rivers

Abstract: This paper reviews contemporary university education in hydraulic engineering within the geographic context of sixteen islands in the Commonwealth Caribbean; which have a combined population of approximately 4 million people and are spread over an oceanic area of approximately 1.25 million km2. It first outlines the curriculum in hydraulic engineering in the BSc (Honours) programme in Civil Engineering at the University of the West Indies; which is accredited by the Engineering Council in the United Kingdom. It then gives reasons for this curriculum to be based on the broadest of perspectives spanning hydrologic, hydraulic and coastal engineering as well as concerns of climate change, role of women, disaster preparedness and water, environmental and food security. The paper concludes with an assertion that the said curriculum is in harmony with the theme of the 34th IAHR Biennial Congress at Brisbane in 2011: “Balance and Uncertainty: Water in a Changing World”.


Year: 2011

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