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A 2D Shallow Water Simulation Model of Flow Near Bridges

Author(s): H. Ratia; J. Murillo; P. Garcia-Navarro

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Keywords: Bridges; Structures; 2D shallow water; Numerical modelling; Upwind discretization

Abstract: Bridges and other hydraulic structures are difficult to incorporate into 2D simulations based on the shallow water equations model while maintaining high performance. Further problems arise when these structures cause pressurised flow or when they are submerged. Empirical and analytical formulations for the energy losses caused by the presence of the bridge can be used, based on global variables integrated along several cells. In this work, a model of bridges through an additional source term in the shallow water equations representing singular energy losses is presented. This model allows for efficient calculations in presence of either free, pressurised or submerged flow enabling the simulation of both transient and permanent flows. The capabilities of this approach are demonstrated by comparing with data from experimental test cases and the results of 1D simulation software.


Year: 2011

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