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Numerical Demonstration of Distributed Hydrological Modelling Performance Based on Super High Resolution GCM Outputs Using Geostatistical Approaches

Author(s): T. Hamaguchi; M. Sapkota; T. Kojiri

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Keywords: GCM output; Bias correction; Kriging; Hydrological simulation

Abstract: This paper demonstrates the numerical performance of a physically-based distributed hydrological model, Hydro-BEAM (Hydrological River Basin Environment Assessment Model) to simulate past present and future discharges based on Super High Resolution GCM precipitations and temperatures with bias corrections through geostatistical scheme. Bias correction method, based on Pearson Type III distribution, is applied to improve the raw GCM outputs. Then adjustment factors at each grid point are estimated from the correction factors found out at observed points using kriging interpolation method. The Red River basin in Vietnam is selected herein as a case study. It can be seen that bias corrections of the GCM outputs based on spatially kriged adjustment factors have been successfully conducted at observational times. And it can be shown that the performance of the distributed hydrological model has been sufficiently demonstrated through the numerical simulations of Red River discharges.


Year: 2011

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