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Effluent Plume Dynamic During the Upwelling in the Southeastern Adriatic

Author(s): G. Loncar; E. Ocvirk; V. Androcec

Linked Author(s): Goran Loncar

Keywords: Driatic; Submarine outfall; Numerical model; ROMS; MIKE 3

Abstract: An overview of numerical models implementation for the analysis of temperature (T), salinity (S), sea currents (UVW) and fecal coliforms concentration (FC) dynamic in the coastal part of the southeastern Adriatic is given. For the realistic simulations of the effluent plume spreading, created due to the operation of the 4 existing and 21 planned submarine outfalls, high-frequency changes in the flow dynamics of the sea recipient is obtained through the use of numerical models (ROMS, MIKE 3) with the desired degree of spatial and time resolution. ROMS was used for the modeling physical parameters in the basin wide Adriatic area, with spatial resolution of 2km in horizontal and 30 sigma layers in the vertical direction. Obtained ROMS results of sea temperature, salinity and sea level were further used as the open boundary transects at nested MIKE 3 model with spatial resolution of 200m in horizontal and 2m in vertical direction. Among the physical part, MIKE 3 is used for the simulations of spatial and temporal changes in FC concentration fields.


Year: 2011

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