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Distribution Evaluation and Optical Allocation Modes of Sediment Resources in Irrigation System of the Lower Yellow River

Author(s): Yan-Gui Wang; Lin Qi

Linked Author(s): Yangui Wang

Keywords: Irrigation system of the Lower Yellow River; Optical allocation mode; Long-distance sediment transport coefficient; Sediment dispersal coefficient

Abstract: According to characteristics of sediment distribution and existing problems in the irrigation systems of the Lower Yellow River, the present sediment allocation modes can divide into four modes of the CSAMH, LCSAM, MCSAM and DSAM, and some distinguishing indexes are given with their calculation methods such as the LDSC and the SDC for evaluating sediment distribution in the irrigation systems. The LDSC and the SDC in the irrigation systems of Henan province are greater than that in Shandong province, and those with the muddy irrigation mode are greater than that with the sediment concentrated treatment mode. It is one important precondition to enhance sediment transport capacity of canals for implementing the LDAMS which is one form of optimal allocation of water and sediment resources in the irrigation system of the Lower Yellow River. It is also very necessary to treat the harmful sediment with the greater diameter than 0.05mm in the head of the canal, and to adopt the sediment dispersal treatment mode for the irrigation system with the steep slope of the canal.


Year: 2011

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