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Methodology for ICT Diagnostic and Implementation in Water Domain: The @Qua Initiative

Author(s): Philippe Gourbesville

Linked Author(s): Philippe Gourbesville

Keywords: ICT; Water domain; Standards; Interoperability; Thematic network; @qu

Abstract: The European Union (EU) has demonstrated the importance to develop ICT solutions for an efficient water management. In order to achieve this ambitious objective, the EU has defined the Digital Agenda for Europe and established several tools in order to support this vision. Under the ICT Policy Support Programme, the @qua initiative based on a thematic network addresses the aim at the EU level to create a shared vision on ICT for water efficiency and will provide a coherent roadmap for the consolidation of existing good practices and the development of innovative ICT solutions. The roadmap will include customization of existing ICT solutions, R&D actions to develop in order to address priorities in the water services, implementation and deployment agenda for innovative ICT solutions. The @qua methodology will be developed through sequential steps which will identify the needs and the expectations of ICT solutions in the various water business processes covering the full water domain; define a roadmap about priorities identified for disseminating and developing an active strategy to implement existing ICT solutions, draft technical specifications – from sensor to standard procedure-for R&D actions for innovative ICT solutions needed by the water business processes;


Year: 2011

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