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Optimised Planning for Management of Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Systems

Author(s): L. M. Deschaine; V. Guvanasen; J. D. Pinter; L. R. Townley

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Keywords: Mining; Water resources; Environmental remediation; Operations; Optimisation

Abstract: Operations managers responsible for mining, water resources, and environmental remediation projects are looking for tools that will help them find solutions to complex planning challenges. As diverse as these industries are, they share a need for an integrated simulationoptimisation approach capable of handling the physics of fully coupled surface and subsurface water flow and chemical transport systems. This paper presents such a toolbox, PBMOT M, which uses physics-based simulators (e.g., MODHMS® and MODFLOW-SURFACT™) to represent chemical and energy transport processes (as well as water flow) and supports integrated analysis of deterministic/stochastic surface water/groundwater flow and transport of multiple contaminants in density-dependent and non-isothermal environments. Optimisation is then performed using HGLOptT M, a tool that seamlessly communicates with physics-based models during the optimisation calculations. Applications of the proposed approach include dewatering in the mining industry, multiple-source allocation of water resources, and environmental remediation of contaminated sites.


Year: 2011

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