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Adaptation to Climate Change on Water Resources in Bangladesh

Author(s): Faisal Ahammed; Guna Hewa

Linked Author(s): Faisal Ahammed

Keywords: Climate change; Adaptation; Water resources; Action plan; Bangladesh

Abstract: Tropical cyclones, floods, abnormal rains and droughts are likely to be more frequent in Bangladesh and these changes are making the country more difficult to achieve the objectives of Millennium Developments Goals (MDGs) and Vision 2021. Therefore, the Government of Bangladesh has prepared the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009 and has identified six themes, forty four programs and one hundred and forty five actions for adaptation to climate change risks. Among them, seven programs and twenty four actions are related to water resources including actions on flood management, improvement of urban drainage system, supplying pure drinking water and sanitation. The Government is trying to raise the voice through LDCs and G-77 countries to get purely grant based fund from donor agencies for adaptation. The paper reviews the Government's strategy and comments on what is likely to be achieved over five years of the proposed program.


Year: 2011

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