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Catchment Water Yield Estimation Tools (CWYET)

Author(s): J. Vaze; J. M. Perraud; J. Teng; F. H. S. Chiew; B. Wang; Z. Yang

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Keywords: Catchment water yield; Runoff characteristics; Rainfall-runoff models; Calibration algorithms; Regionalisation; Objective function

Abstract: The Catchment Water Yield Estimation Tools (CWYET) is a modelling framework for estimating daily catchment water yield and runoff characteristics in regulated and unregulated catchments. The science and software behind CWYET builds on existing knowledge and modelling capabilities. It is being developed with the flexibility to allow new scientific knowledge, modelling methods and data types to be easily incorporated into the model. The CWYET framework includes six daily rainfall-runoff models (Sacramento; SIMHYD; SMARG; GR4J; IHACRES and AWBM), all of which have been applied in numerous studies both within Australia and internationally. The framework also includes four optimisation methods and four pre-defined objective functions. The CWYET framework provides a Graphical User Interface and user guidelines for easy implementation of the modelling framework. CWYET has been tested using streamflow data from 232 unregulated gauged catchments across southeast Australia. The testing results indicate that the rainfall-runoff models and calibration methods provided within the framework are suitable for reproducing the daily observed streamflow, and the regionalisation results indicate that the regionalisation method is suitable for estimating runoff in the ungauged areas.


Year: 2011

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