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Flood Modelling at Brisbane Airport

Author(s): T. D. Graham; U. Baeumer

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Keywords: Hydraulic modelling; Hydrologic modelling; Trunk drainage design; Brisbane Airport

Abstract: Drainage within Brisbane Airport is complex due to the flat terrain and varied flooding mechanisms that affect the site including local and regional flooding as well as inundation associated with storm surge events. Over the last 15 years, Aurecon has assisted Brisbane Airport Corporation with the long term planning strategy across the airport site by undertaking detailed investigations to determine trunk drainage requirements for development to beyond 2030. The hydrologic and hydraulic analysis that has been undertaken to support the trunk drainage design has evolved over time, with simplistic analysis approaches being superseded by current modelling approaches. This paper reviews the flooding analysis across Brisbane Airport and outlines the challenges faced in defining long term drainage requirements where multiple internal parties and external organisations have a vested interest.


Year: 2011

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