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Driftwood Behavior in Horizontal Two-Dimensional Basins

Author(s): Hajime Nakagawa; Kazuya Inoue

Linked Author(s): Hajime Nakagawa, Kazuya Inoue

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: When a clump of driftwood debouches with river water into a protected low-lying area due to levee breaking, collision usually accelerates the destruction of wooden houses. A large amount of timber may directly attack and destroy houses when storm surges break a timber holding pond and the wood flows out. Moreover, many pieces of wood are debouched into bays from rivers and are spread widely by flooding, hindering the navigation of ships and damaging fishery industries. These phenomena indicate that flood and storm surge disasters are brought about not by flood water alone but by suspended objects, such as driftwood and ships, as well.


Year: 1995

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