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River Ice Modeling for Fish Habitat Analysis

Author(s): Ian M. Knack; Hung Tao Shen

Linked Author(s): Ian Knack, Hung Tao Shen

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Hydro-morphological conditions in rivers can change significantly with ice formation, even with minimal changes in discharge. It is important to consider dynamic ice processes and their interactions with channel morphology in a fish habitat model. In this paper, a two-dimensional river ice model on wintertime abiotic physical habitat conditions is presented. The model considers thermal-ice as well as sediment and bed change dynamics in rivers to allow for more detailed habitat suitability evaluation than previous models were capable of doing. Thermal-ice processes modeled include water temperature variation, frazil ice, border ice, cover evolution, ice jam, hanging dam, and anchor ice formation. The substrate quality and availability throughout the winter are modeled by considering the sediment transport and bed changes. The changing hydrodynamic conditions due to the changes in ice and channel bathymetry are determined. Suspended sediment and suspended frazil concentrations can also be monitored simultaneously to identify stressful areas for fish. In the habitat suitability analysis, a PHABSIM type formulation is used. The composite suitability index at each area element in the study domain can be determined. Additionally, the weighted usable area (WUA) can be used to determine the total usable area for each fish species in the study area.


Year: 2012

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