Calrkson University
Distinguished Research Professor in Hydraulic Engineering
Hung Tao Shen Distinguished Research Professor in Hydraulic Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering Clarkson University 8 Clarkson Avenue Potsdam, NY 13699-5710, USA
Career Type:
Organization Type:
Universities and Academia
Expertise Fields/Interests:
River ice, mathematical modeling, oil spill, river hydraulics, sediment transport
Major Achievements:
Joined the faculty of Clarkson University in 1976 and has served as the Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and Associate Dean of Engineering. He was a visiting faculty at US Army CRREL, Lulea University, Iwate University, and Hokkaido River Disaster Prevention Research Center. He was also a visiting Chair Professor at Sichuan University and a visiting scientist at Nanyang Technological University. Dr. Shen has collaborated with many international researchers. His primary research interests are cold regions hydraulics, oil and chemical spill modeling, and sediment transport. He has introduced an analytical framework for studying river ice processes. He has developed the transport capacity theory for frazil ice jams/hanging dams and the theory on dynamic ice transport and ice jams. His research group has developed comprehensive computer models for river processes, including thermal-ice and sediment transport processes. These models have been applied to rivers worldwide. His current research interest is in the morphological effects of river ice. Professor Shen was the editor of the Journal of Cold Regions Engineering of ASCE. He is a recipient of the ASCE Harold R. Peyton Cold Regions Engineering Award (2000), the ASCE CAN-AM Civil Engineering Amity Award (2000), the Larry Gerard Medal (2002, 2015), and The Bernard Michael Award (2023) of the CGU-Hydrology Section (2001, 2015), the ASCE Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award (2007), and the IAHR Ice Research and Engineering Award (2008).