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A Plan for Studying Ice Jamming on the Upper Niagara River

Author(s): Randy D. Crissman; Robert Ettema; Robert L. Gerard; David Andres

Linked Author(s): Robert Ettema

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The New York Power Authority (Authority) is upgrading its hydroelectric generating facilities at its Niagara Power Project, located on the Niagara River, to provide additional peaking capacity. As part of this undertaking, the Federal Energy Regulatory Comnussion (FERC), which issued and maintains the operating license for the Niagara Power Project, requested the Authority to conduct studies aimed at evaluating the relationship between the project's design, its operation, and the formation of ice jams and stoppages in the upper Niagara River. The studies are intended to assess the impacts of ice on power generation losses and shoreline flooding and to evaluate possible improvement measures for reducing the frequency and severity of ice stoppages and jams in the river. A plan of study (Plan) was developed by the Authority, which outlines the strategy, specifications, implementation plan, and schedule for the studies. Several integrated studies are prescribed in the Plan to determine the relationship between hydropower operations and the formation of ice jams, to evaluate methods for reducing the likelihood that ice jams will occur, and to develop strategies for limiting the negative impacts of ice jams. The studies focus on the concurrent use of physical and numerical models such that the results can be used to assess and lessen the limitations inherent in physical and numerical modeling of river ice processes. The modeling will be supported by analyses of historical data and a field data collection program. Most of the prescribed studies were or will be initiated in 1991 and are to be concluded in 1993.


Year: 1992

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