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RANS study of hydraulic jumps downstream of sloped channels with incoming fully developed turbulent flows

Author(s): Santiago Lopez Castano; Tom De Mulder; Pieter Rauwoens; Kristof Verelst

Linked Author(s): Kristof Verelst, Tom De Mulder

Keywords: CFD; hydraulic jump; roller length; dissipation

Abstract: The present work proposes modifications to the k-ω SST turbulence model to make it amenable for the computation of hydraulic jumps in engineering settings. More specifically, the Scale-Adaptive Simulation (SAS) concept and additional corrections based on the k-ω model suggested by Larsen & Fuhrman (2018) are implemented and adapted where required for the present study. The logic behind the proposed additions is presented and a short discussion is held about its validity, following simple relations found in literature. A validation of the proposed model is made against longstanding literature studies in hydraulics, supported with experimental results, and semi-empirical methods. Special emphasis is given to the indirect role of Turbulence Kinetic Energy (TKE) dissipation on the surface roller length, the velocity decay along a hydraulic jump, and the initial location of the hydraulic jump’s toe. Results using the SAS concepts show overall agreement and improvements compared to results where no SAS model is used. In particular, the proposed methodology satisfactorily reproduces the expected location of the jump and the velocity decay therein.


Year: 2024

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