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Applicability of Artificial Swarm Intelligence to Gravity Dam Design and Groundwater Model Identification

Author(s): Toshio Hamaguchi; Tetsuya Sumi; Shigenobu Tanaka

Linked Author(s): Tetsuya Sumi

Keywords: Artificial swarm intelligence; Zero-extension; BCO

Abstract: This research applies to the problem of designing a basic triangle of gravity dam with a fillet structure, and that of identifying a general groundwater flow model. The obstacle to determine a basic triangle is to optimize dam parameters to be designed subject to minimized triangle area because the shape of a fillet makes the vertical forces of the static water and sediment pressures in bilinear cases that a sediment height gets greater/smaller than a fillet one. In overcoming the above obstacle, two helpful processes are carried out. The first one is to employ the zero-extension approach to mathematically express bilinear equilibrium equationofactive forces. The second one is to use the bee colony optimization (BCO) approach to optimize the dam parameters with such a bilinear equation. The difficulty to identify a basin-scaled groundwater model structure is to inversely optimize groundwater parameters while considering moving boundaries. Two same approaches with the zero-extension and BCO approach are herein processed because the model has a bilinear structure as well as gravity dam designing. It can be successful to get the best solutions in both problems and be shown that effectiveness of using both approachesin considering inverse problems with bilinear equation.


Year: 2016

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