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Development of Novel Discharge Calculation Method for a Portable Ultrasonic Velocity Meter

Author(s): Kim; Dong-Gu; Lee; Chan-Joo; Kim; Won

Linked Author(s): Chanjoo Lee, Won Kim, Donggu Kim

Keywords: No-tagline discharge measurement; Normal velocity; GPS coordinates

Abstract: At present, the method mainly used for discharge measurement of small and medium streams for a low-flow period is a wading measurement method using a current meter. For this method, there are many precautions to be considered, e.g. a current meter should be maintained perpendicular to a tagline at the time of measurement, and there are also some disadvantages, e.g. for installation of a tagline, there occurs time delay to find the shortest distance and bottom for easy measurement, and at least 2 or more personnel are required for measurement. To improve this, this paper intends to implement no-tagline discharge calculation algorithm using the method of existing ADCP for measurement of the velocity of flow and discharge calculation. At present, in order to implement this algorithm, a position identification device like the GPS together with a compass to identify a direction angle are positively necessary, but it is possible to measure directly without installation of a tagline, and further discharge values can be calculated if an observer only obtains the velocity of flow, a direction angle, and the position information at a desired position by wading across a stream.


Year: 2014

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