
Video of Entire Event of Spain Chapter


IV IAHR Spain Chapter Technical Conference | Digital Water. Water engineering of the future


iahr | national chapters | water | engineering | hydro-environment | research | hydaulics | spanish chapter

Video Introduction:

Water digitalization is the chosen theme for the 4th IAHR Spanish Chapter Conference, a topic of great relevance, particularly since the recent PERTE of Water Cycle Digitalization, which has the aim of bringing up to date the water sector so we can walk towards sustainable and efficient water management.We consider this conference a great opportunity to network and reflect about the agents implied on the present and future of hydraulics teaching.

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Amparo López Jiménez

Universitat Politècnica de València

José M. Carrillo

Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

Luis Balairón Pérez

Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos del CEDEX

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