
Beatriz Negreiros - IAHR Women's Voices


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IAHR | Women Voices | Beatriz Negreiros

Video Introduction:

In this video, Beatriz Negreiros, a civil engineering graduate from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, who was awarded a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to complete her studies in Water Resources Engineering and Management (WAREM) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, introduces her career and experience as a research assistant working for over a year at the Institute of Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems at the University of Stuttgart and lays out the challenges that women working in engineering and research are confronted with. The Women’s Voices video series provides the opportunity to IAHR women members to introduce themselves and their backgrounds, explain why it is important to them to work in the hydro-environmental field and the challenges they are confronted with, and reflect on specific research topics or current events. IAHR WOMEN Raise your voice! Join the IAHR Women’s Voices video series!

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Beatriz Medeiros Fernandes Negreiros

IAHR Baden-Württemberg Young Professionals Network

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