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Flow Patterns Within a Sloping Perched Water in a Gradually Layered Soil

Author(s): Stefano Barontini; Marco Peli; Roberto Ranzi

Linked Author(s): Roberto Ranzi, Marco Peli

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The onset of a perched water table in a sloping soil, during rainfall events, is one of the most important landslides triggering mechanisms. As perched water tables are mostly induced by the decreasing of the hydraulic conductivity at soil saturation with depth, in this paper we will present some results on the effect of gradually decreasing conductivity on the flow due to a steady infiltration process in a sloping and a priori anisotropic soil, laying on a capillary barrier. On the basis of an application of the Darcy law, the flow field within the perched water is analytically solved and the corresponding Lagrange stream function is determined. The flow patterns are calculated and presented for the particular case of exponentially decreasing hydraulic conductivity at saturation with depth.


Year: 2012

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