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Analysis on the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Arctic Sea Ice in the Summer of 2012

Author(s): Zhijun Li; Hongwei Han; Qingkai Wang; Wenfeng Huang; Peng Lu

Linked Author(s): Peng Lu, Qingkai Wang, Zhijun Li

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: During the Fifth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2012 (CHINARE-2012), 120 ice cores were collected at six short-term ice stations and the uniaxial compressive strength of the collected ice core were conducted under different temperatures (-3 °C, -6 °C, -9 °C), and under stress rates ranging from 0.001 MPa/s to 1 MPa/s. Arctic summer sea ice temperature, density and salinity were measured for calculation of ice total porosity. Arctic summer sea ice uniaxial compressive strength is sensitive to the stress rate, and will reach the peak uniaxial compressive strength at brittle-ductile-transient range at 0.01 MPa/s to 0.03 MPa/s. In order to study the effects of total porosity and density on the uniaxial compressive strength, the tested strengths from a narrow range of stress rate from 0.01 MPa/s to 0.03 MPa/s were selected for analyzed. The results show the uniaxial compressive strength decreases with the total porosity increasing. When ice density is lower than 0.860 g/cm 3, the corresponding ice uniaxial compressive strength decreases with ice density decreasing obviously. Moreover the average strength in brittle-ductile-transient range was considered as the peak uniaxial compressive strength which steady increases with temperature decreasing over the temperature range -3°C to -9°C.


Year: 2014

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