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Climate Change Indicators: The Evolution of the Snow Cover in Lombardy over the Last 15 Years

Author(s): Hamzah Faquseh; Roberto Ranzi; Giovanna Grossi

Linked Author(s): Giovanna Grossi, Roberto Ranzi

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This study is focusing on analyzing the variability of the Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) in space and time in seven mountain basins located in Lombardy (northern Italy) during the period 2006-2020. Based on data provided by the regional environment protection agency, monthly trends and interannual variation are analyzed, even if on a relatively short time. The estimation of snowpack water content (Snow Water Equivalent - SWE) on a regional scale indicates some changes in the total quantity of solid-state water stored in the snow on a monthly basis. A shift of the snow cumulation and melting times through the years can be considered an important climate change indicator, showing the alterations in the common season patterns, and providing important indications for the efficient management of water resources.


Year: 2022

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