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Theoretical Estimation and Numerical Modelling of Annual Energy Output from a Tidal Barrage

Author(s): J. Q. Xia; R. A. Falconer; B. L. Lin; G. M. Tan

Linked Author(s): Junqiang Xia

Keywords: Renewable energy; Tidal power; Annual output; Theoretical method; Numerical model; Severn Barrage

Abstract: Marine energy from tidal barrages is renewable and carbon-free and has the potential to make a significant contribution to future energy supplies. In this study two methods are presented to estimate the annual energy output from a tidal barrage, including the theoretical estimation based on the principle of tidal hydrodynamics, and numerical modelling based on the solution of a 2D hydrodynamic model. The proposed Severn Barrage in the UK was taken as a case study, and these two methods were applied to estimate the annual energy output. The predicted results indicated that the magnitude of the annual energy output would range from 13 to 16 TWh, which is similar to the value of 15.6 TWh in a recent report. Further investigations showed that the potential annual energy output was predicted to increase by about 15% if a higher discharge coefficient was adopted for the sluice gates, or the turbine performance was improved; however, the estimated output could exceed 16 TWh per annum if recent technological advances in both sluice gate construction and turbine performance are included.


Year: 2011

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