
[Day2] Panel Discussion of International Conference on River Morphology and Flood Control Piura River


[Online] International conference on river morphology and flood control Piura River (RMFCPR)


Panel Discussion | International Conference | River Morphology | Flood Control | Piura River | RMFCP

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Cesar Adolfo Alvarado Ancieta, M.Sc.

Cesar Alvarado Ancieta - Team Leader - International Expert: River Engineering, Flood Control & Disaster Flood Risk Management, Sedimentation, Irrigation, Hydropower & Dams, Tunneling & Underground Works

Mónica Fossati

Instituto de Mecánica de los Fluidos e Ingenieria Ambiental (IMFIA)

Arturo Marcano G.

Universidad Catolica Andres Bello

Robert Ettema

Colorado State University

Veronica Leon


Zivko Gencel

Universidad Nacional De Piura

Nils P. Huber

Bundesanstalt Für Wasserbau (BAW)Federal Waterways Engineering and Research In

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