ISBN: 9781138038165
Marian V. Muste,Dennis A. Lyn,David M. Admiraal,Robert Ettema,Vladimir Nikora,Marcelo H. Garcia
This is the first volume of a two-volume guide to designing, conducting and interpreting laboratory and field experiments in a broad range of topics associated with hydraulic engineering. Specific guidance is provided on methods and instruments currently used in experimental hydraulics, with emphasis on new and emerging measurement technologies and methods of analysis. Additionally, this book offers a concise outline of essential background theory, underscoring the intrinsic connection between theory and experiments. This book is much needed, as experimental hydraulicians have had to refer to guidance scattered in scientific papers or specialized monographs on essential aspects of laboratory
ISBN: 9781138050105
Sebastien Erpicum,Frédéric Laugier,Michel Ho Ta Khanh,Michael Pfister
Since the first implementation by Electricité de France on the Goulours dam (France) in 2006, the Piano Key Weir has become a more and more applied solution to increase the discharge capacity of existing spillways. In parallel, several new large dam projects have been built with such a flood control structure, usually in combination with gates. Today, more than 25 Piano Key Weirs are in operation or under construction all over the world. More than 15 years of research and development have enabled detailed investigations of the hydraulic and structural behaviour of the Piano Key Weir complex structure and have provided more and more accurate design equations. Following the proceedings of the
ISBN: 9781138626829
Bachir Achour,Qiyan Wu
The 2016 International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environment Research (ICAEER 2016) took place on August 12-14, 2016 in Guangzhou, China. ICAEER 2016 has been a meeting place for innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of energy and environment research. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in energy and environment research and further to promote scientific information exchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be organized every year making it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in energy and environmen
ISBN: 9781138029453
Silke Ursula Wieprecht
Sediment dynamics in fluvial systems is of great ecological, economic and human-health-related significance worldwide. Appropriate management strategies are therefore needed to limit maintenance costs as well as minimize potential hazards to the aquatic and adjacent environments. Human intervention, ranging from nutrient/pollutant release to physical modifications, has a large impact on sediment quantity and quality and thus on river morphology as well as on ecological functioning. Truly understanding sediment dynamics requires as a consequence a multidisciplinary approach.River Sedimentation contains the peer-reviewed scientific contributions presented at the 13th International Symposium on
ISBN: 9781138029774
Sébastien Erpicum,Benjamin Dewals,Pierre Archambeau,Michel Pirotton
In an increasingly urbanized world, water systems must be designed and operated according to innovative standards in terms of climate adaptation, resource efficiency, sustainability and resilience. This grand challenge triggers unprecedented questions for hydro-environment research and engineering. Shifts in paradigms are urgently needed in the way we view (circular) water systems, water as a renewable energy (production and storage), risk management of floods, storms, sea level rise and droughts, as well as their consequences on water quality, morphodynamics (e.g., reservoir sedimentation, scour, sustainability of deltas) and the environment. Addressing these issues requires a deep understa
ISBN: 9781138029613
Dieter Rickenmann
An important part of the risk management of natural hazards in mountain regions concerns the hazard assessment and the planning of protection measures in steep headwater catchments, i.e. torrent control and slope stabilization. Torrent processes in steep channels have their rightful place among the various alpine natural hazards and the corresponding control measures have a long tradition in the European alpine countries. In the planning and execution of such measures, professional experience has been of paramount importance. This experience was based primarily on observations made during and after hazardous events, as well as on regular field visits in the catchments of a steep headwater st
ISBN: 9781138027534
Marian V. Muste,Jochen Aberle,David M. Admiraal,Robert Ettema,Marcelo H. Garcia,Dennis A. Lyn,Vladimir Nikora,Colin D. Rennie
This two-volume book is a comprehensive guide to designing, conducting and interpreting experiments in a broad range of topics associated with hydraulic engineering. It is the first substantial effort in hydraulic engineering to assemble in one place descriptions of all the components of experimentation along with a concise outline of essential theory to highlight the intrinsic connection between analytical and experimental research and illustrate the need for their complementary use. Providing end-to-end guidance to support experimentalists is long overdue, as most of the information can only be found in scientific papers or specialized monographs on laboratory and fieldwork practice. The b
ISBN: 9781138001602
L. E. Frostick, R.E. Thomas, M.F. Johnson, S.P. Rice, S.J. McLelland
sers Guide to Ecohydraulic Modelling and Experimentation has been compiled by the interdisciplinary team of expert ecologists, geomorphologists, sedimentologists, hydraulicists and engineers involved in HYDRALAB IV, the European Integrated Infrastructure Initiative on hydraulic experimentation which forms part of the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme. It is designed to give an overview of our current knowledge of organism-environment interactions in marine and freshwater aquatic systems and to provide guidance to those wishing to use hydraulic experimental facilities to explore ecohydraulic processes. By highlighting the current state of our knowledge, this design manual will
ISBN: 9781138000124
Khaled Hadi,Nadim Copty
Groundwater is a vital resource of water, in some regions of the world the only source of fresh water. Its use for domestic use and agriculture dates back thousands of years. In recent decades the over-exploitation and unabated use of this resource has lead to severe environmental problems such as resource depletion, land subsidence and groundwater contamination. To mitigate these adverse impacts and protect this valuable resource, it is imperative that rational groundwater management practices and policies as well as robust modeling and analysis tools be developed. This volume and the accompanying USB memory card include the abstracts and full papers that were presented at the 6th Internat
ISBN: 9780415670456
Wolfgang Rodi,Markus Uhlmann
This book contains the written versions of invited lectures presented at the Gerhard H. Jirka Memorial Colloquium on Environmental Fluid Mechanics, held June 3-4, 2011, in Karlsruhe, Germany. Professor Jirka was widely known for his outstanding work in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, and 23 eminent world-leading experts in this field contributed to this book in his honour, providing high-quality state-of-the-art scientific information. The contributions cover the following key areas of Environmental Fluid Mechanics: Fluvial Hydraulics, Shallow Flows, Jets and Stratified Flows, Gravity Currents, Mass Transfer and Small-Scale Phenomena, and include experimental, theoretical and numerical studie