IAHR Webinars in 2020

2020 turns out to be a most unusual year. The COVID-19 outbreak has caught everybody by surprise – it has turned the world upside down. Yet the pandemic did not hold us back – IAHR is an organization on the move.

We witnessed the growth of “online tools” which has made international communication so much easier, embraced this change and made a start in this new era with a special online event on “Adaptation to climate-induced impacts” to commemorate the World Water Day in March 21, 2020. The success was followed by many more online events, showcasing the association's remarkable resilience amidst the coronavirus pandemic, delivering high-quality and tasteful events that move the organization forward. Most importantly we have developed a new model of world-class knowledge dissemination that has been translated to and perceived as membership benefit.

In addition to webinars, IAHR also has many other events that can be found via EVENTS > All Events.

More are coming. Stay tuned with IAHR.

Buttons explained:

  • [Introduction]: The EVENT page that has the details of the event.

  • [Playback/Live]: The playback video of the whole event, usually sharing the same link as the LIVE page.

  • [Video]: The collection of video clips of each talk from a specific event

2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

IAHR 85th Anniversary Summit

Weak Points in the Flood Risk Modelling Chain - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

How Best to Approach Paper Writing? - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

Securing the Wider Water Cycle: Practice, Regulation, Investment - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

Water Security in Africa II Capacity Building for Research and Innovation - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

AI and Water II Digital Transition for Environmental Preservation - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

The Science of Global Water Security: Linking Knowledge to Solutions - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

Water Security in Africa I - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

AI and Water I Digital Technologies for Water Supply Systems - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

Symposium on Research Frontiers in Water Sciences (in Chinese) - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

Ecohydraulics II Nature-Based Solutions - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

Climate Change and Coastal Resilience


Introduction Playback Video

85th Anniversary Ceremony - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

Ecohydraulics I - IAHR 85th Anniversary


Introduction Playback Video

Other Webinars

13th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE2020)

2020-11-23 to 2020-11-24

Introduction Playback Video


International conference on river morphology and flood control Piura River

2020-11-19 to 2020-11-20

Introduction Playback Video

1st IAHR Young Professionals Congress

2020-11-17 to 2020-11-18

Introduction Playback Video

2020 CHES Annual Conference International Session


Introduction Playback Video

22nd IAHR-APD Congress 2020

2020-09-14 to 2020-09-17

Introduction Playback Video

The Business of Global Water Security: Linking Knowledge to Practice


Introduction Playback Video

How to Write a Good Paper: an Editor's Perspective


Introduction Playback Video

River Flow 2020 (10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics)

2020-07-07 to 2020-07-10

Introduction Playback Video

IAHR World Water Day 2020 Special Event: Hydro-environment Engineering and Adaptation to Climate Change


Introduction Playback Video

2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

  • Write to to report any misspelling and broken links. Thank you for helping us improve.

  • If you would like to organize a webinar using IAHR's platform, or if you would like to support future IAHR webinars, please contact our Technical Division Programme Officer Ms. Jenny Lu at

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