IAHR Groundwater Webinar | Roles of Uncertainty in the Assessment of Subsurface Flow and Transport

IAHR Groundwater Webinar on Roles of Uncertainty in the Assessment of Subsurface Flow and Transport


IAHR Groundwater Webinar
Roles of Uncertainty in the Assessment of Subsurface Flow and Transport

Thursday, 2 March 2023 | 2 p.m. UTC



Modern models of flow and transport across environmental and industrial porous media have reached a remarkable level of complexity, with the aim of capturing the nature of target phenomena and processes. The level of complexity of these models could hamper unambiguous understanding of relationships among model inputs and outputs of interest. This is a critical aspect in a variety of scenarios, including flow and reactive transport in heterogenous aquifers and sustainable use of underground resources. All of these settings are associated with multiple sources of uncertainty. These are typically linked to (i) our conceptual understanding of how a natural system functions and the possibility of depicting its key features through various modeling approaches/formulations, (ii) our knowledge of model parameters and/or initial and boundary conditions, and (iii) the amount of available data/information and the scale with which these are associated. In this broad context, emphasis is here devoted to model diagnosis through (moment- and distribution- based) local and global sensitivity analyses embedding model, process, and parameter uncertainty. Exemplary applications encompass a variety of scales (from pore- to field-scale) and processes, including reactive chemical transport and contaminants of emerging concern.


  • Introduction (10 mins)
    Dr. Xin He | China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China

  • Roles of Uncertainty in the Assessment of Subsurface Flow and Transport (100 mins)

    Prof. Alberto Guadagnini | Politecnico di Milano, Italy

  • Q&A (30 mins)

    Prof. Alberto Guadagnini | Politecnico di Milano, Italy

    Prof. Mohaddeseh Mousavi Nezhad | University of Warwick, UK

    Prof. Felipe de Barros | University of Southern California, USA

    Dr. Xin He | China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China


Alberto Guadagnini Vice Rector for Research at Politecnico di Milano; full Professor of Hydraulic Engineering since 2003; Director of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano from 2017 to 2022. He is also adjunct Professor at the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Arizona (USA). Main research activity is related to qualitative and quantitative aspects of groundwater systems and underground energy resources under multiple sources of uncertainty. Chair of the Communication Committee of the International Society for Porous Media (Interpore). Chair of the Committee on Groundwater Hydraulics and Management of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). Chief Executive Editor of the Journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (EGU). Recipient of the Chaire Gutenberg and Prix Gutenberg 2018 (Award by Cercle Gutenberg and Région Grand-Est, France, for research on Climate change and water cycle in Upper Rhine Basin). Elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2021).

Prof. Alberto Guadagnini

Politecnico di Milano


Dr. Xin He

China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China


Prof. Mohaddeseh Mousavi Nezhad

University of Warwick

Prof. Felipe de Barros

University of Southern California

Dr. Xin He

China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research



This webinar is sponsored by China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), China's top national research institute on water resources and hydropower under the direct administration of China's Ministry of Water Resources. IWHR also hosts IAHR's Global Secretariat Beijing.

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