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An Experimental Study on Railway Embankment Breach and Its Critical Flow Condition

Author(s): Ryota Tsubaki; Yoshihisa Kawahara; Yasuhiro Ueda

Linked Author(s): Yoshihisa Kawahara, Ryota Tsubaki

Keywords: Embankment breach; Railway embankment; Ballast; Non-Darcy flow

Abstract: Embankments on a floodplain significantly affect the propagation of inundation flow. In cases where inundated water overflows railway embankments, the embankment retains the risk to be breached. To further understand the process of railway embankment breach, a physical experiment was conducted. A full-scale ballast embankment, including rails and sleepers, was installed in a 1 m (width) open channel. Flow through the ballast embankment, as well as the breaching process, was investigated. The critical flow rate per unit width and the upstream water depth were measured. The effect of the upper structure on ballast breach development is discussed.


Year: 2012

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