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Three Dimensional Modeling of Sediment Transport in a Sharply Curved Meandering Channel

Author(s): Jorn Wildhagen; Nils Ruther; Nils Reidar B. Olsen; Ian Guymer

Linked Author(s): Nils Reidar B. Olsen, Ian Guymer, Nils Rüther

Keywords: Sediment transport; Three-dimensional flow; Numerical model; River flow; Meandering channel

Abstract: A three-dimensional numerical model is introduced to predict the temporal changes in bed topography in a sharply curved meandering channel. The numerical results are tested against the measurement data taken from a physical model study with steady flow conditions. Considering the stability analysis of a sediment particle, a new algorithm to calculate the incipient motion of sediment particles on generalized sloping fluvial beds is introduced and implemented within the numerical model. Despite of the good results when predicting the deposition and formation of point bars, the erosion pattern is less well predicted.


Year: 2005

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