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Proceedings of the 12th IAHR International Symposium on Ice (Trondheim 1994)

This collection accommodates the articles of the Proceedings of the 12th IAHR International Symposium on Ice, which was held in Trondheim, Norway during August 23-26, 1994.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Committee on Ice Research and Engineering for helping with the preparation of the data and files that were used to build this collection.

ID Title Authors Year
27813 The Fracture of River Ice Covers by River Waves
Steven F. Daly
27814 Effects of Navigation in Ice on Near-Shore Vegetation and Sediment
Andrew M. Tuthill; Leonard J. Zabilansky
27815 The Action of Ice Push Force Against the Dam and Slope Protection in Reservoirs
Hong-Sheng Li; Fu-Syn Cao; Chun-Qiu Yang
27816 Operation of Hydro Power Plants Under Diverse Ice Conditions
Sigmundur Freysteinsson; Arni Benediktsson
27817 Antagonistic Protections Against the Ice and Sediment Phenomena at Free Surface Water Intake
Constantin Iamandi; Octavian Luca; Virgil Petrescu
27818 A Field Study of Ice Control Structure on River Rapids
Minoru Mlneta; Makoto Yamazaki; Ken-Ichi Hirayama
27819 Ice as a Regulator of the Quality of Water Hydro-Electric Plant Reservoirs and Tailraces
Iren N. Shatalina; Galina A. Tregub; Sergey K. . Golubkov
27820 Impact of Ice on Hydraulic Structures and Hydropower Stations and Its Prevention
Guifen Li; Xiaoqing Yang
27821 Measurements of Bergy Bit and Growler Populations off Canada's East Coast
G. B. Crocker; A. B. Cammaert
27822 Ice Rubble Buildup on Conical Structures
Richard F. Mckenna; Donald Spencer

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